Message from AISWA Executive Director

As the new Executive Director of AISWA, I am honoured to be part of such a progressive and diverse organisation, and to lead AISWA into a new era of continued excellence.

As I begin my role as the fifth Executive Director in AISWA’s 60-year history, I want to take a moment to express appreciation to Valerie Gould, former Executive Director, for her many years of service and dedication, and her hard work and support during this transition phase.

As Executive Director, I assure you that promoting excellence in Independent Schooling in Western Australia remains the core focus of our work; and that our many and varied professional services will continue to provide exceptional support to enable Independent Schools and their communities to be the best they can be.

This year, I am humbled to have the opportunity to celebrate AISWA’s 60th anniversary. AISWA is exceptionally proud to mark this significant milestone. It is a celebration of AISWA’s legacy, its long journey, who we are today, and our exciting future ahead.

Reflecting on the long history of AISWA, I’d like to acknowledge and express my gratitude to AISWA’s founding members; past and present AISWA board members, member schools, and our employees for their trust, support, and continued commitment to our organisation.

To all associated with AISWA, I thank you for your contribution to the AISWA story these past 60 years. I am excited to be part of the future and look forward to the next chapters.

Happy 60th Anniversary, AISWA, and here’s to another fantastic 60 years.


Chris Massey
Executive Director
