Capital Grants Program

The Australian Government Capital Grants Program (CGP) provides funding to independent schools to improve capital infrastructure. Funding is provided under the Australian Education Act 2013 and is provided to each sector through the responsible Block Grant Authority.

Capital grants are additional to funds provided by state and territory governments, non-government school authorities, and school communities, which are responsible for providing and maintaining non-government school facilities.

The AISWA Capital Grant Association (AISWA CGA) has the responsibility of being a "Block Grant Authority" (AISWA CGA) for schools in the Independent Sector in Western Australia in order to administer the Australian Government Government's Capital Grants Program for a group of Non-Government schools. AISWA CGA has been established to receive and assess applications, make recommendations to the Minister and administer Non-Government capital grants for participating schools.

AISWA CGA administers funding granted under the applicable Government legislation, being the Australian Education Act 2013 and is guided by the Australian Education Regulation 2013 and the Capital Grants Programme (CGP) Guidelines.

For further information on the Capital Grants Program, please email the Executive Officer, or call 08 9441 1616.


More information is available to Members and can be accessed in the Member Portal here (log in required).

What is the CGP funding program? 


The Australian Government Capital Grants Program provides approximately $9 million each year to assist non-government schools to upgrade and improve facilities.

Capital grants are additional to funds provided by state and territory governments, non-government school authorities, and school communities, which are responsible for providing and maintaining non-government school facilities.

The objectives of the Capital Grants Program are to:

  • provide and improve school capital infrastructure, particularly for the most educationally disadvantaged students
  • ensure attention to refurbishment and upgrading of capital infrastructure for existing students, while making provision for needs arising from new demographic and enrolment trends; and
  • pursue the Australian Government’s other priorities and objectives for schooling.
How can funds be used?


Grants for capital expenditure will be considered for the following:

  • planning, erection, alteration, extension, demolition or refurbishment of buildings  or other facilities, including student residential accommodation, and attached supervisors’ quarters,
  • development or preparation of land for buildings or other purposes,
  • installation or upgrading of water, electricity or any other services,
  • provision of furniture or equipment, including information technology equipment which should be part of a broader  capital project unless special circumstances exist,
  • provision of library materials and the goods for cataloguing a library,
  • teacher accommodation in rural and remote areas,
  • capital grants to assist students with disabilities,
  • supplementing the construction of projects funded through other Commonwealth projects,
  • purchase of land in special circumstances, and
  • Other projects as prescribed by the regulation.
What are the eligibility criteria?


To be eligible to apply for Capital Grant Program funding, schools must:

  • be a member, or prospective member, of AISWA CGA,
  • be in receipt of recurrent funding under the Act,
  • demonstrate to the BGA a financial need for the grant (that is, show that it and its supporting community do not have the capacity to meet the total cost of the project),
  • demonstrate to the BGA that the project will contribute to the objectives of the CGP,
  • demonstrate to the BGA that the school has an appropriate maintenance plan in place and is able to meet the ongoing running costs of its facilities (or, for proposed new schools, a proposed maintenance plan),
  • demonstrate to the BGA that adequate insurance is held over its school buildings (only if relevant, for proposed new schools),
  • be proposing a project that is consistent with sound educational planning, within both the school and the environment within which it is operating, especially in relation to the cost, size and use of facilities to be funded,
  • be proposing a project that will not adversely affect the condition of a place in relation to the Commonwealth, state, territory or local government heritage legislation,
  • demonstrate to the BGA that it is financially viable,
  • own the land or have a lease for the land and/or buildings that has a period to run commensurate with the period in which the capital grant may be required to be repaid if the school no longer provides school education.
How do we apply for funding?


Approximately $10 million of Australian Government funds are available for distribution to member schools in Western Australia on the recommendation of the CGA Committee.

If you would like to receive to apply for funding in the current round, please complete the online Expression of Interest form.  

Expressions of Interest have now closed for the 2024 Round and will re-open in November 2024 for the 2025 Round

After the Expression of Interest form has been submitted, AISWA CGA will review the project to ensure that it meets the criteria.  

Application forms will be emailed to schools in February and completed application forms and due to AISWA by the end of March.

What do I need for the CGA Application EOI form?


  • School Name

  • DMI

  • Contact Name

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Project Details

  • Proposed Project

  • Explain the need for the facility

  • Estimated Cost

  • Loans to be Sought

  • Grants to be Sought

  • School Contribution

  • Site of Project 

  • Site owned or leased

  • Registered owner

  • When would you hope to begin use of the new facility?

  • When would you plan to commence works?

What is the timeline for this process?


Applications are sought on an annual basis for funding under the Australian Government Capital Grants Program. The process is the same each year and follows the general timeline below:

Nov - Feb Expression of Interest sought. Applications are sent to schools that complete the online form.
Early Feb Application forms emailed to school.
Late March  Applications close
May – June    Assessment of Applications. Schools visited by AISWA CGA Committee to discuss Applications and assess needs 
July - Aug AISWA CGA undertakes the financial need assessment and finalises grant recommendations.
September  Recommendations submitted to the Minister
December Schools advised of Ministerial Approval/provided grant documentation.
January  Projects can commence.


3 schools