In 2016, the AISWA STEM Grant provided many of our schools with the inspiration and opportunity to try new ideas for teaching STEM subjects in a rich and integrated way. This is an opportunity for interested teachers and school leaders to come and explore some of the projects that were undertaken.
The AISWA STEM Grant project supplemented schools’ efforts to support long-term change in teaching and learning through STEM initiatives. Over 70 schools took part in the project and, as a whole, demonstrated a huge variety of STEM strategies for subject integration, inter-school collaborations and leveraging assistance from parents, professional institutions and business representatives.
Between 10 am and 2 pm, visitors are welcome to come and browse a range of 15-20 school “poster” sessions. Along with their static and interactive displays of students’ work, teachers and students have been invited to speak with visitors about their projects and the iSTEM provision in their schools. Each poster session will comprise up to two teachers and four student presenters. The event is an opportunity for schools to showcase their wonderful work in STEM and to provide students with an authentic audience in which to describe their ‘STEM journey’ and achievements
Schools that are represented include large and small, metropolitan and regional, primary and secondary and early and later adopters of iSTEM. Schools have used different STEM subjects as springboards for their projects. The focus of posters will include topics such as conducting whole school STEM days or challenges, Hackathons, Robocup projects, girls in STEM, coding in interdisciplinary projects and growing staff capacity.
AISWA consultants in the S, T, E and M subjects will be in attendance and available to talk with visiting schools about STEM provision.
For more information and to register for this event please go to the below link - |