Happy Holidays – AISWA Office is closing on 18 December and reopening on 7 January 2025

Movie man Joe Dale

Zapp, Sizzle, Pop,Buzz! The air was electric with creativity, fun and productivity when Joe Dale revisited WA for a series of workshops on using ICT to enhance teaching and learning in the languages classroom. As a sequel to his March 2013 workshops on creating podcasts and other audio resources, Joe inspired and empowered his AISWA workshop participants to plan, shoot and edit their own live action and stop-frame animation movies. Joe was in Perth at the start of an Australia wide tour, that includes the AFMLTA biennial conference, spreading the word and developing teachers' capabilities in harnessing computer technologies for language learning.Visit Joe's web site and follow him on Twitter @JoeDale.

In the video, Joe describes the purpose of the workshop and you can see samples of the movies created on the day by teachers with little or no prior experience.

These computer tablet applications were tried at the workshop and are recommended by Joe. None costs more than $6.00 and several are free.

iMovie Edit movies on iPad.

Popplet  For brainstorming, planning and sorting ideas.

SloPro  Record video and playback in slowmotion.

Coach's Eye  Add arrows and lines to video like a coach analysing performance.

I Fun Face  Free Add hats, glasses, moustaches to photos or swap faces for fun effects.

I Can Animate An easy way to create stop-motion animation. Remember: 12 frames per second is best.

Easy Studio Guides and teaches how to animate.

Ideas for teaching
Teacher professional development
21st Century Learning