CLIL in Action

CLIL in Action

Using a Content and Language Integrated Learning  (CLIL) approach, Nadine modelled how scientific knowledge could be discovered and learnt via French as a medium of communication. At the same time learners mastered simple vocabulary and basic grammatical concepts and had plenty of opportunity to practice newly learnt questions and responses. This simple but very carefully planned and sequenced lesson is a reminder of how to maximise learner engagement and curiosity through total immersion.

As you watch the video below, notice how Nadine does not use one word of English.  However, she tolerates learners using English to check meaning with her and amoungst themselves.  Think about what is learnt in terms of scientific content, communication in French, cognition and culture.

See highlights of the Powerful Ideas for Language workshops via Storify and read Terry Daly's report on Nadine's French Secondary Immersion session attached below. Thank you Terry for sharing!

Teacher professional development