Centres for Innovation in Languages Teaching

Centres for Innovation in Languages Teaching

Between 2009 and 2011 the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA) selected twelve schools to receive grants from the National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Project  (NALSSP) to trial innovative approaches to learning and teaching Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese and Korean.

The selected projects feature in the brochures below. Download them for ideas on ways to bring innovation to your languages program.  Contact AISWA Language Consultant if you would like hard copies of these brochures sent to your schools.

These are just the starting stories from the Centres for Innovation. You will find many more of their stories under the Teacher Stories site; stories documenting their successes, encouraging others to learn and contribute and demonstrating their leadership in the learning and teaching of languages in Western Australia.

The Association of Independent Schools is the peak body representing independent schools in Western Australia. It has 152 member schools which enrol over 70,000 students, accounting for approx 16% of Western Australian school enrolments.

AISWA Consultants are involved in a number of special projects for the benefit of members but which may be of interest to the community and so are made available to non-members. One of these is the National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Program (NALSSP), an Australian Government initiative to increase opportunities for school students to become familiar with the languages and cultures of Australia’s key regional neighbours, namely China, Indonesia, Japan, and Korea.

Promoting Languages
Teacher professional development