"Whatever it takes!" - Broome Conference 2024

PL # 14210

  • Starting on 16 Apr 2024
  • Cancellation permitted until 28 Mar 2024
  • Event registrations closed on 28 Mar 2024

Delivery Format : In Person

Event registration is Closed


Aboriginal Independent Community Schools (AICS) Broome Conference is a dynamic and inspiring gathering dedicated to empowering Indigenous communities. With this year’s theme being, "Whatever It Takes," the conference aims to ignite discussions, foster collaboration, and propel actionable strategies that address the unique challenges faced by AICS.

This event serves as a platform for Indigenous leaders, advocates, and community members to share their stories, insights, and innovative solutions. The theme encapsulates the unwavering determination of Indigenous communities to overcome obstacles, promote cultural resilience, and secure a brighter future.

Throughout the conference, engaging keynote speakers and thought-provoking panel discussions will explore various aspects of Indigenous life, including education, cultural preservation, and empowerment. Attendees will actively participate in workshops designed to generate actionable plans, ensuring that the theme, "Whatever It Takes," transforms into tangible outcomes that benefit Indigenous communities.

The speaker and workshop design has been created to allow maximum participation in all sessions whilst also allowing for some choice. The learning experiences provided are the result of feedback from the 2023 conference. 

The ultimate goal is to inspire collaborative efforts that transcend the conference walls, fostering lasting change and ensuring that whatever it takes becomes a rallying cry for sustained empowerment and progress within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Please refer to the attached flyer for the agenda

Terms & Conditions

AISWA Professional Learning – In Person Event 

  • Detailed In Person event T&Cs here. Below is an overview only.

In Person event conditions

  • Attendance records: Participants must sign-in on the day to confirm attendance. A member school can also view this data for their staff.
  • Privacy disclaimer: PL Events may be live-streamed, recorded or photographed by AISWA for sharing. Attendees have the right to be excluded from such records but must notify AISWA of their wishes before the start of the event. NB: This condition was acknowledged during registration. See full T&Cs here.
  • Attendee swaps: Acceptable. The organiser must be notified. There are conditions.
  • Walk Ins: Any non-registered attendee MUST disclose this to AISWA on arrival. A correct registration process can then be followed. 
  • IT Acceptable Use Policy: Compliance with this policy for the use of AISWA’s on-site equipment, internet and website is required.
  • Payment Conditions: Price includes GST. Credit card payment only for Guests. Member schools will be invoiced post-event.
  • Cancellation: Cancellation is without charge if prior to Cancellation Permitted date. Cancellations via this website. Late cancellations or failure to attend will incur full cost. Refer any issues to the Event Organiser. If AISWA cancels a PL Event, attendees will be notified by email and any payment will be refunded.
  • Free event non-attendance: A fee of $25 may apply. See full T&Cs.

Please click here to view our general terms and conditions


"Whatever it takes!"

Date / Time

16 Apr 2024 Starts: 08:30 Finishes: 17:30

Delivery Format : In Person

Cable Beach Resort - Broome


Cable Beach Road

PL Hours : 17.00

Learning Area

  • Early Childhood
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Primary
  • Psychology + Wellbeing

School Area

  • Early Childhood (PK - 2)
  • Primary (P-6)
  • Middle Primary (3-6)
  • Pre-Primary

Event Contact