Weaving Connections through the Journeys of inquiry with Kath Murdoch

PL # 14234

  • Starting on 6 Aug 2024
  • Cancellation permitted until 30 Jul 2024
  • Registration Close : 30 Jul 2024

Delivery Format : In Person

Pricing Normal
For Members $250
For Catholic Members $300
For Non-Members $400

Event registration is Full

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AISWA are proud to welcome Kath Murdoch to Perth as part of the Purposeful Pedagogies Masterclass series.

How can we document journeys of inquiry to support the development of students' metalanguage, and why is it important? How can learning walls, class and personal journals and other forms of documentation help narrate the process of inquiry?

In this practical, interactive workshop, Kath Murdoch, global expert in inquiry-based learning,will guide classroom teachers through the exploration of the following questions:

- How can a process of inquiry help us design meaningful, connected learning experiences for learners?

- How can we 'tell the story' of an inquiry as it unfolds and how can we make the learning process visible through documentation?

- How can we design inquiry journeys to help students think more critically, creatively and reflectively?

- How can we invite learners into the process of designing for their learning?

- As an inquiry unfolds, how can we ensure we are strengthening agency through the development of key skills and dispositions along the way?

- How can a more concept-based approach ensure stronger connections are made across the curriculum?

This school-based workshop is suitable for all primary teachers and curriculum leaders. Each participant will receive a copy of Kath Murdoch's latest book, From Agency to Zest - a journey through the landscape of inquiry', to complement their learning and take back to their classroom.

Morning tea and lunch is included.



Kath Murdoch

Kath Murdoch

Kath Murdoch is an experienced teacher, author, university lecturer and popular consultant who has worked for many years in schools throughout Australia, New Zealand, Asia, America and Europe. She is widely respected for her work in the field of inquiry based learning and integrative curriculum in which she has taught, researched and published for well over 20 years.

Kath began her professional life as a classroom teacher in Melbourne. Her fascination in how students’ constructed their understandings - and her interest in the way questions and big ideas could drive curriculum soon lead to a passion for integrative and inquiry based methodologies. This passion has become a career long focus for teaching, research and writing and the methodologies in which Kath specialises are now central to curriculum frameworks in many parts of the world – including the popular International Baccalaureate, PYP program.

Critical to Kath’s success is her continued involvement in classroom teaching. Whether it is to demonstrate techniques, coach teachers or build her own repertoire of practices, Kath is committed to regular and ongoing work with students. Her classroom work and research feeds a dynamic and ever-evolving expertise in the area of integrative and inquiry-based learning.

Kath’s professional development offerings are diverse. They range from intensive partnerships with schools to develop inquiry programs and practices over several years through to one-day workshops for beginning or experienced inquiry teachers. Whether in her home town of Melbourne or on the other side of the world, working with a team or speaking to a packed auditorium Kath’s style is refreshingly practical, inclusive and always connected to the real world of teaching.

Terms & Conditions

AISWA Professional Learning – In Person Event 

  • Detailed In Person event T&Cs here. Below is an overview only.

In Person event conditions

  • Attendance records: Participants must sign-in on the day to confirm attendance. A member school can also view this data for their staff.
  • Privacy disclaimer: PL Events may be live-streamed, recorded or photographed by AISWA for sharing. Attendees have the right to be excluded from such records but must notify AISWA of their wishes before the start of the event. NB: This condition was acknowledged during registration. See full T&Cs here.
  • Attendee swaps: Acceptable. The organiser must be notified. There are conditions.
  • Walk Ins: Any non-registered attendee MUST disclose this to AISWA on arrival. A correct registration process can then be followed. 
  • IT Acceptable Use Policy: Compliance with this policy for the use of AISWA’s on-site equipment, internet and website is required.
  • Payment Conditions: Price includes GST. Credit card payment only for Guests. Member schools will be invoiced post-event.
  • Cancellation: Cancellation is without charge if prior to Cancellation Permitted date. Cancellations via this website. Late cancellations or failure to attend will incur full cost. Refer any issues to the Event Organiser. If AISWA cancels a PL Event, attendees will be notified by email and any payment will be refunded.
  • Free event non-attendance: A fee of $25 may apply. See full T&Cs.

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Weaving Connections through the Journeys of inquiry with Kath Murdoch

Date / Time

6 Aug 2024 Starts: 08:30 Finishes: 15:00

Delivery Format : In Person

Providence Christian College


19 Furley Rd
Southern River WA 6110

PL Hours : 6.50

Learning Area

  • Interdisciplinary

School Area

  • Early Childhood (PK - 2)
  • Middle Primary (3-6)
  • Leadership

Event Contact