Term 3 Primary Leaders Network Meeting

PL # 12731

  • Starting on 7 Sep 2020
  • Cancellation permitted until 10 Aug 2020
  • Event registrations closed on 03 Sep 2020

Delivery Format :

Event registration is Closed


All those with a leadership role are invited to join us for this online opportunity to come together and discuss teaching and learning matters in a collegiate forum. 

The focus topic of this network meeting is Leading Teams and Tricky Conversations.

We will start with Curriculum Updates from ACARA and SCSA before welcoming our guest speakers:

  • The Changing Role of the First Line Leader (Nicola Davidson – AISWA Manager School Leadership)
  • Leadership in a Regional or Remote school (Kym Benson – AISWA Indigenous Community Schools (AICS) Advisor)
  • Growing into my Leadership role (Nicole Brown – Dean of Students (PK-6) Peter Moyes Anglican Community School)

There will be time to interact with our speakers during a brief Q&A session towards the end of the meeting.

Please register your attendance and the meeting link will be emailed to you on Thurs 3 Sept.  Please note that individual emails (with the meeting link) will not be sent out after this date, so PLEASE notify all members of your leadership team to register their own attendance prior to the closing date. The recording of this meeting will be sent to all those who REGISTER. (whether you 'attend' or not) a few days after the event.

We look forward to welcoming you, as we continue to stay connected and build our community of Leadership Learners.


Nicola Davidson (AISWA Staff)

Manager Of Leadership & Teaching Quality

Nicola Davidson <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>
Nicola is committed to the transformative possibilities of education. She has a keen interest in working with others to implement research and policy into practical processes and strategies. She has had 20 years experience in leadership positions with independent and government schools. She has worked in both school and policy settings where much of her work was about gaining consensus from diverse interest groups.  Nicola is keen to work with teachers and school leaders to translate their vision into practice and to help them link the work they currently do with the AITSL standards.

Kym Benson (AISWA Staff)

AICS Advisor

Kym Benson <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>

Maree Whiteley (AISWA Staff)

Consultant | Teaching And Learning

Maree Whiteley <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>

Maree Whiteley works with teachers and curriculum leaders to bring innovative and practical pedagogies into the classroom, through special projects and whole-school planning. Currently working as an AISWA Consultant in the Primary Teaching and Learning area, with specific expertise within the Humanities and Social Sciences Learning Area, this gives Maree the perfect platform to go beyond the curriculum, exploring areas of global imperatives for our young people, such as ethical and humanitarian issues, critical thinking and cultural competence. Maree continues to enjoy sharing her experience, knowledge and expertise with others in workshops, conferences and in online forums.

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Event Segment

Date / Time

7 Sep 2020 Starts: 13:00 Finishes: 14:30

Delivery Format : In Person

Webinar - Online Only

PL Hours : 2.00

Learning Area

  • Leadership

School Area

  • Primary (P-6)
  • Leadership

Event Contact