This workshop will go through the PP-6 Technologies curriculum and present it in a clear, easy to understand format. The curriculum strands and their progression throughout the primary years will be discussed. To help develop these understandings, hands-on activities will be facilitated which are ready for the classroom.
The workshop will also focus on the ICT General Capability and there will be an opportunity to networks with colleagues to discuss classroom ideas, implementation strategies and resources.
*Lunch Provided*
BYO Device
Simon Fittock (AISWA Staff)
Consultant | Technologies
Simon is a specialist in artificial intelligence, Technologies, digital literacy, and ICT across the curriculum. He holds a Master of Education by Research degree (Education Leadership) and is a doctoral candidate. Simon has a keen interest in educational practice and has professional experience in Australia and abroad. He has developed his expertise through work as a teacher, academic and consultant.
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Teaching Digital Technologies: The curriculum and the classroom
Date / Time
9 May 2024 Starts: 09:00 Finishes: 14:30Delivery Format : In Person