Reportable Conduct Scheme: What everyone needs to know.

PL # 14306

  • Starting on 6 Aug 2024
  • Cancellation permitted until 25 Jul 2024
  • Registration Close : 06 Aug 2024

Delivery Format : Webinar

Pricing Normal
For Members $0
Proceed with Registration
    Registrations open to :
  • AISWA Member Schools


The Reportable Conduct Scheme is legislation that EVERYONE in your school needs to know about as it covers all roles, including admin and support staff, educators, leadership, and board members.

During this seminar we will cover the fundamentals of the legislation and the implications for staff and schools.

We strongly encourage you to register and if possible, view the presentation as a whole staff, or if this is not possible or for Board members, invite them to join privately.  
1. What is the Reportable Conduct Scheme?
2. Who does the Reportable Conduct Scheme apply to?
3. What is Reportable Conduct?
4. How may this affect me?
5. Impact on other reporting requirements
6. Professional boundaries


        Due to the subject matter, children (under 18 years) are not permitted to attend.


Nigel Briggs (AISWA Staff)

Industrial And Workplace Relations Consultant

Nigel Briggs <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>

Prior to joining AISWA in 2017, Nigel was an officer with the Independent Education Union of WA for 18 years. 16 years of those as Assistant Secretary (Industrial Relations). 
During that time, Nigel focussed on developing strong professional working relationships with Employees, Employers and key sector participants. His key objective was to provide consistent, accurate and timely advice and advocacy.

Since joining AISWA Nigel has been responsible for providing advice and support to member schools on all things relating to Industrial Relations, Human Resource matters and Workplace Health and Safety.  He assesses and advises on ‘conflicting’ issues (e.g. industrial issues and staff welfare; duty of care and discrimination; behaviour management and discrimination; student welfare and rights as well as staff welfare and rights).

Nigel supports schools on any issue that may have legal implications. 

Lynne Nixon (AISWA Staff)

Consultant - Child Protection

Lynne Nixon <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>


Lynne joined the Inclusive Education team at AISWA in April 2017 where her roles have included Inclusive Education Consultant, Inclusive Education Coordinator, and currently Consultant - Child Protection.  She brings experience in filling various roles within schools, particularly in the areas of disability and leadership. During her time as Principal, Lynne has been passionate about creating an inclusive school culture and community, and quality teaching and learning. She has been involved in supporting and mentoring school leaders, and school registration, particularly in child protection and disabilities. 

Lynne currently provides support to all AISWA schools in child safety and child protection. She is the AISWA contact in assisting inquiries related to child abuse including mandatory reporting and works with other child safe /child protection agencies. 




Terms & Conditions

AISWA Professional Learning - Webinar PL Event 

Detailed Webinar event T&Cs here. Below is an overview only.

Webinar event conditions 

  • Attendance/access: For a paid AISWA-hosted webinar, only registered pre-paid users will be provided with access details. The school of any member attendee can access attendance data.
  • Free public webinar: For a free AISWA-hosted webinar, the link is in the public domain and can be shared. Fully registered members (via the AISWA website) will have PL attendance recorded. 
  • Privacy disclaimer: Webinars may be recorded by AISWA. Attendees have the right to privacy but must take responsibility to notify the event organiser of their intention prior to the start of the event and turn off their camera/microphone. Attendee names will be visible to other attendees. NB: This condition was acknowledged during event registration.
  • Attendee swaps: This is acceptable. The organiser must be notified. There are conditions.
  • IT Acceptable Use Policy: Compliance with this policy for the use of the AISWA Teams platform and AISWA website is required.
  • Payment Conditions: Price includes GST. All transactions are cashless. Registration is confirmed when payment is received.
  • Cancellation: Cancellation is without charge up to the Cancellation Permitted date. Cancellations via this website. Late cancellations or failure to attend will incur full cost. Please refer any issues to the Event Organiser. AISWA retains the right to cancel a webinar. Attendees will be notified by email. Payments already received will be refunded. 

Please click here to view our general terms and conditions

Proceed with Registration


The Reportable Conduct Scheme

Date / Time

6 Aug 2024 Starts: 16:00 Finishes: 17:30

Delivery Format : Webinar

PL Hours : 1.50

School Area

  • Leadership
  • Preschool (PK-K)
  • Early Childhood (PK - 2)
  • Primary (P-6)
  • Middle Primary (3-6)
  • Secondary (7-10)
  • Senior Secondary (11 - 12)
  • Education Assistants
  • Business Manager