Pedagogical Leadership in Early Childhood - Event #76

PL # 76

  • Starting on 16 Mar 2016
  • Cancellation permitted until 14 Mar 2016
  • Event registrations closed on 09 Mar 2016

Delivery Format :

Event registration is Closed


This session is specifically targeted at early childhood leaders and will support reflective practice for continuous improvement in their own settings. 

Research recognises that effective leadership is vital to the quality of early childhood settings. Situated in Victoria, Cornish College Early Learning Centre is internationally renowned as a centre for excellence in early childhood. In this workshop, Kirsty Liljegren, Director of the ELC, will share her own journey as an early childhood leader at Cornish College. Kirsty presents nationally and internationally on a range of areas within early childhood. In 2001, Kirsty was the recipient of a national excellence in teaching award for innovative practice. In 2012 she was awarded a State and Territory award Victoria for contributions to the early childhood sector, in which she was recognised as ‘one of Australia’s leading early childhood educators’.

Kirsty’s presentation will illustrate a positive, empowering ELC culture that values openness and trust, encourages professional debate and dialogue, and contributes to educators’ ongoing learning and inquiry. Kirsty will provide an insight into what has worked in her own setting to support the development of a collective vision, change processes and pedagogical transformation whilst describing several projects, including examples that forged genuine partnerships with the school community. Opportunities for reflective practice and discussion will be a feature of this workshop, which will support early childhood leaders with several elements within the National Quality Standard, particularly in Quality Areas 6 and 7.


Rebecca Duncan (AISWA Staff)

Consultant | Early Childhood

Rebecca Duncan <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>

Rebecca Duncan has been working in education since 1998. Along with teaching experience in each year level across Kindergarten to Year 4, her roles have included Coordinator of the Learning Development Centre at Christ Church Grammar Preparatory School as well as leadership in the integration of learning technologies, including at All Saints' College. In 2004, Rebecca was the recipient of a National Excellence in Teaching Award (NEiTA) for Western Australia. 

Rebecca has been with AISWA since late 2010, when she was contracted to write a resource to support educators in their implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). This project culminated in the publication of the acclaimed book, 'Early Years Learning Framework: In Action'. Ongoing employment as a consultant for AISWA followed, initially in the Curriculum, Literacy, and most recently, Early Childhood, teams. She has led numerous projects at AISWA, including initiatives to connect the Australian Curriculum and EYLF, one of which led to AISWA’s publication of 'Playing with the Australian Curriculum' (2013). Her teacher resource, 'Journeys of Inquiry', was published in 2018, highlighting case studies of inquiry in early childhood. This has now been accompanied by a second volume of inspiring stories of inquiry pedagogies in 'Further Journeys of Inquiry', which was published by AISWA in 2020. In 2021, Rebecca authored the text, 'Playful STEM: Using Blocks in Kindergarten to Year 2', followed by being the lead representative and editor for AISWA on the cross-sectoral publication, 'The National Quality Standard in Action: Western Australian schools', due for publication in late 2024. Inquiry pedagogies, literacy and numeracy, learning through play, integrative approaches, responsiveness to children, learning technologies, and the Early Years Learning Framework represent a few of Rebecca’s areas of specialty. She continues to stay deeply connected to classroom practice through mentoring, coaching and working alongside educators across the primary years of schooling. 

Kirsty Liljegren

Kirsty Liljegren

Director of Cornish College Early Learning Centre, Victoria

Until recently, Kirsty was the teaching Director of Cornish College Early Learning Centre in Victoria where she worked for the past ten years. Many educators from around the world have visited the early learning centre as a place of provocation, innovation and inspiring practice. Kirsty was awarded a national excellence in teaching award for innovative practice together with a State and Territory award for Victoria for her contribution to the early childhood sector.

Kirsty has been a long-standing committee member of the Reggio Emilia Australia Information Exchange (REAIE) and has undertaken two study tours to Reggio Emilia, together with visits to the Forest Schools in Denmark and the Nature Kindergartens in Scotland. The philosophy from the Reggio Emilia educational project has had a profound influence on Kirsty both professionally and personally, continuing to fuel a hope for all children to be respected, valued and understood as they deserve to be.

Kirsty consults and lectures in a variety of contexts both nationally and internationally, with insight shared from both a practitioner’s and a leadership perspective.  She is particularly passionate about the all-important question: How do we as educators enable children to flourish?

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Event Segment

Date / Time

16 Mar 2016 Starts: 08:30 Finishes: 15:30

Delivery Format : In Person

Moerlina School

PL Hours : 6.50

Learning Area

  • Early Childhood

School Area

  • Early Childhood (PK - 2)

AITSL Standards