Little Scientists Workshop - Module 3: Light

PL # 11614

  • Starting on 19 Jun 2018
  • Cancellation permitted until 13 Jun 2018
  • Event registrations closed on 12 Jun 2018

Delivery Format :

This PL has been cancelled


Little Scientist


Light, Colour and VisionExploring optics


Light, colour and vision that has a great impact on our lives. Without life there would be no life on the surface of the earth.  Day and Night, light and dark determine the rhythm of our day.


This module looks at children’s theories about vision, explores colour and shadow through a variety of investigations.  The module also introduces using projects as a long term inquiry into one aspect of light, colour or vison.  


All Little Scientist sessions are hands-on, encourage collaborative ways to problem solving and introduce new pedagogical elements.


All participants are provided with a set of  activity cards and a resource book.


Please note - you must have attended the Water workshop in order to attend Light.


Wendy Gorman (AISWA Staff)

Manager | Early Childhood

Wendy Gorman <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>

Wendy manages the Early Childhood consultant team for AISWA. Her role involves supporting all Independent Schools across WA with children aged from 3 to 8 in matters relating to early childhood pedagogy, compliance, curriculum, assessment, and leadership.   Wendy manages the Preschool Reform Agreement implementation for the Independent School sector. Wendy also represents AISWA in the Independent sector on policy and regulatory matters.

Wendy has gained experience and wisdom from working across a variety of school settings in her 30 years as an early childhood teacher and leader.

Wendy has a strong belief that a high-quality early education program is a right for all children and that this will support them to become healthy, engaged, active, and informed citizens of the future.  

Terms & Conditions

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Event Segment

Date / Time

19 Jun 2018 Starts: 08:30 Finishes: 15:30

Delivery Format : In Person

Moerlina School

PL Hours : 6.50

Learning Area

  • Early Childhood
  • STEM

School Area

  • Early Childhood (PK - 2)

Event Contact