Literacy Bites - Oral Language

PL # 14180

  • Starting on 28 Feb 2024
  • Cancellation permitted until 20 Feb 2024
  • Event registrations closed on 26 Feb 2024

Delivery Format : In Person

Event registration is Closed


A series of Literacy offerings targeting K-6 education, including: 
Oral Language - Lynne McCarney
Mentor texts - Andrea Hillbrick
Word Inquiry - Lisa Burman
Literacy Hub and phonics - TBC
Viewing - Ron Gorman
Children's Laureate - Sally Rippin

Oral Language - Lynne McCarney
This is a hands-on, practical session about the development of oral language and literacy and how and when we need to identify students at risk. This session also looks at what we can do in the classroom to support students experiencing language and literacy difficulties. Participants attending the workshop will be given a mini language and literacy toolkit which participants can take away and implement immediately. This toolkit will include a simple framework for how to have positive conversations about children’s development with parents and families and help identify the immediate adjustments that can be made to the classroom and what needs to be supported outside of school.  This workshop is suited to Kindergarten to Year 6 teachers and education support staff. 

Literacy Bites are a series of workshops focused on Literacy and hosted by experts in the field. Workshops are stand-alone, you can attend all or one of the workshop series.


Lynne McCarney (AISWA Staff)

Consultant | Early Childhood

Lynne McCarney <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>

Lynne McCarney brings a wealth of experience and diverse skills as an Early Childhood Consultant. Her global journey includes roles as a Specialist Teacher, Early Childhood Educator, Academic Sessional Tutor, and literacy specialist. Lynne’s commitment to enhancing early childhood education is evident through her international teaching experiences, from an International Baccalaureate school in Canada to Independent schools in Perth.

Passionate about evidence-based practices, Lynne specialises in early literacy, relational pedagogy, and trauma-informed teaching. She is an advocate for play-based learning, contributing significantly to resource development aligning with the National Quality Standard and Early Years Learning Framework. Dedicated to shaping the future of education, Lynne is poised to empower both educators and students through innovative, research-driven approaches, fostering holistic development in young minds. Many of these resources are accessible via the ACECQA website for Early Childhood teachers across Australia.

Terms & Conditions

AISWA Professional Learning – In Person Event 

  • Detailed In Person event T&Cs here. Below is an overview only.

In Person event conditions

  • Attendance records: Participants must sign-in on the day to confirm attendance. A member school can also view this data for their staff.
  • Privacy disclaimer: PL Events may be live-streamed, recorded or photographed by AISWA for sharing. Attendees have the right to be excluded from such records but must notify AISWA of their wishes before the start of the event. NB: This condition was acknowledged during registration. See full T&Cs here.
  • Attendee swaps: Acceptable. The organiser must be notified. There are conditions.
  • Walk Ins: Any non-registered attendee MUST disclose this to AISWA on arrival. A correct registration process can then be followed. 
  • IT Acceptable Use Policy: Compliance with this policy for the use of AISWA’s on-site equipment, internet and website is required.
  • Payment Conditions: Price includes GST. Credit card payment only for Guests. Member schools will be invoiced post-event.
  • Cancellation: Cancellation is without charge if prior to Cancellation Permitted date. Cancellations via this website. Late cancellations or failure to attend will incur full cost. Refer any issues to the Event Organiser. If AISWA cancels a PL Event, attendees will be notified by email and any payment will be refunded.
  • Free event non-attendance: A fee of $25 may apply. See full T&Cs.

Please click here to view our general terms and conditions


Literacy Bites - Oral Language

Date / Time

28 Feb 2024 Starts: 15:45 Finishes: 17:00

Delivery Format : In Person

Peter Moyes Anglican Community School


Elliston Parade
Mindarie WA 6030

PL Hours : 1.50

Learning Area

  • Early Childhood

School Area

  • Early Childhood (PK - 2)
  • Middle Primary (3-6)
  • Education Assistants
  • Pre-Primary
  • Kindergarten
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6

Event Contact

AITSL Standards