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Kath Murdoch: Engaging With Texts through, for and as Inquiry in the Early Years

PL # 12924

  • Starting on 20 May 2021
  • Cancellation permitted until 13 May 2021
  • Event registrations closed on 13 May 2021

Delivery Format :

Event registration is Closed



As we inquire, the information we encounter is in the form of some kind of text. This might be an image, a podcast, a website, a book, a diagram, an art work, a piece of music, a spoken story  - anything that communicates ideas that contribute to our exploration of our questions. Inquiry-based teachers not only help children learn to access a range of texts as they explore but teach them HOW to critique and meaning-make as readers, listeners and viewers.  Similarly, journeys of inquiry inevitably mean that children are composing and producing texts to share their thinking. Inquiring into HOW to produce those texts in effective ways for real purposes and audiences can become a wonderful ‘layer’ in the integrative inquiry experience.

Whatever they are inquiring into, young learners are always building their capacity as readers, viewers, writers, speakers and listeners. This may be attended to in a ‘stand alone’ fashion (viewers i.e. –learning how to inquire into a picture book, learning how to inquire into the way words are spelt) or carefully woven into the planning for an integrative inquiry. Texts are also used as powerful provocations to stimulate wonder and invite deeper thinking. In turn, a journey of inquiry can help young learners see the power of texts to influence others and stimulate action.

In this workshop, Kath will be taking a deep dive into the role of texts in journeys of inquiry in the early years classroom. Highly interactive and practical, teachers will walk away from the day with new ways of thinking about adding ‘literacy value’ to the work they do as inquiry teachers and/or a stronger inquiry stance to their work in literacy.. Immediately transferable to the classroom, the texts and techniques shared in this session will help you build a culture that supports meaningful inquiry every day.



Kath Murdoch

Kath Murdoch

Kath Murdoch is an experienced teacher, author, university lecturer and popular consultant who has worked for many years in schools throughout Australia, New Zealand, Asia, America and Europe. She is widely respected for her work in the field of inquiry based learning and integrative curriculum in which she has taught, researched and published for well over 20 years.

Kath began her professional life as a classroom teacher in Melbourne. Her fascination in how students’ constructed their understandings - and her interest in the way questions and big ideas could drive curriculum soon lead to a passion for integrative and inquiry based methodologies. This passion has become a career long focus for teaching, research and writing and the methodologies in which Kath specialises are now central to curriculum frameworks in many parts of the world – including the popular International Baccalaureate, PYP program.

Critical to Kath’s success is her continued involvement in classroom teaching. Whether it is to demonstrate techniques, coach teachers or build her own repertoire of practices, Kath is committed to regular and ongoing work with students. Her classroom work and research feeds a dynamic and ever-evolving expertise in the area of integrative and inquiry-based learning.

Kath’s professional development offerings are diverse. They range from intensive partnerships with schools to develop inquiry programs and practices over several years through to one-day workshops for beginning or experienced inquiry teachers. Whether in her home town of Melbourne or on the other side of the world, working with a team or speaking to a packed auditorium Kath’s style is refreshingly practical, inclusive and always connected to the real world of teaching.

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Event Info

Date / Time

20 May 2021 Starts: 08:30 Finishes: 15:30

Delivery Format : In Person

PL Hours : 6.50

Learning Area

  • Early Childhood
  • Literacy

School Area

  • Early Childhood (PK - 2)

Event Contact