High Impact Practices (HIPS)

PL # 14145

  • Starting on 1 Feb 2024
  • Cancellation permitted until 28 Jun 2024
  • Registration Close : 20 Sep 2024

Delivery Format : On Demand

Pricing Normal
For Members $0
For Catholic Members $0
Proceed with Registration
    Registrations open to :
  • AISWA Member Schools
  • Catholic Member Schools



This is the pre-program work for the High Impact Practices (HIPs) program of Professional Learning. Participants will work online to complete the Cognitive Load Theory course and access program readings in preparation for in-school workshops. Please complete this work and submit the required activity before the Session 1 face-to-face presentation.

This is an AISWA Online Learning event. The program readings will remain accessible until 30th November 2024. 

You are required to have an AISWA account to register/complete this course, if you do not have an AISWA website account, please click here, if you need help with setting up Two Factor Authentication on your account, please click here. If you need any further assistance please contact Web Support

Terms & Conditions

AISWA Professional Learning  – AISWA Online Learning (on-demand)

Detailed On-Demand course T&Cs here. Below is a summary only.

  • Registration is via the AISWA Professional Learning (PL) calendar.  
  • Member schools can bulk register staff for learning events. 
  • Pricing details are indicated on event registration pages and are inclusive of GST.  
  • Payment for individual and bulk registrations is by credit card. Registration is confirmed when payment is received. 
  • Records of course completion (and PL hours) are the responsibility of the participant. 
  • Cancellations are not permitted.  
  • Participant attendee swaps are not permitted.  
  • A digital badge may be awarded on completion of learning. Badge access is ongoing until the nominated expiry date
  • Digital badges (issued by Credly) are stored in the public domain. Click here to view Credly’s privacy policy. AISWA does not share personal data with Credly. 
  • Participants agree to comply with AISWA’s IT Acceptable Use Policy - General (refer to detailed Terms and Conditions).  

Please click here to view our general terms and conditions

Proceed with Registration


High Impact Practices (HIPS)

Date / Time

Opens: 1 Feb 2024 Closes: 30 Nov 2024

Delivery Format : On Demand

AISWA Online Learning Portal

AISWA Online Learning Portal

PL Hours : 4.00

Learning Area

  • AISWA Online Learning

Event Contact

AITSL Standards