Evidence of Learning – What does intentional Assessment and Feedback look like in a Year 3-6 classroom?

PL # 12836

  • Starting on 21 Jan 2021
  • Cancellation permitted until 18 Jan 2021
  • Event registrations closed on 18 Jan 2021

Delivery Format :

Event registration is Closed


Your assessment tasks may be designed to test knowledge and understanding, but how might we also collect meaningful evidence of your students’ critical thinking, creativity, ethical and intercultural capabilities?
Immersed in the Northbridge Cultural Precinct, including a visit to the new WA Museum Boola Bardip, this full-day excursion workshop will allow you time to:
  • Review a range of Assessment practices including task design, which incorporates questioning, thinking skills and interdisciplinary links.
  • Unpack the Achievement Standards to assist your planning of project-based learning and inquiry pedagogy.
  • Explore the SCSA Judging Standards resources with a General Capabilities lens.
  • Demonstrate how a range of meaningful assessment tasks, across interrelated Learning Areas, can be used to map student achievement and progress.
  • Connect, collaborate and share ideas, to curate a shared online collection of Assessment tasks
The second part of this workshop allows planning time to create your own assessment tasks, suitable for your current students.  Using content from the WA Curriculum, we will discover numerous links to historical stories, real-world issues and challenges in your local area. Please BYOD (laptop or iPad) and prior to attending this workshop register your login details with SCSA 'Extranet' for access to the WA Curriculum Judging Standards Tool, as we explore several authentic links to HASS, STEM and the General Capabilities that connect to your own classroom planning.
Morning tea, lunch and a comprehensive resource collection are all included in this workshop.


Maree Whiteley (AISWA Staff)

Teaching And Learning Consultant

Maree Whiteley <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>

Maree Whiteley works with teachers and curriculum leaders to bring innovative and practical pedagogies into the classroom, through special projects and whole-school planning. Currently working as an AISWA Consultant in the Primary Teaching and Learning area, with specific expertise within the Humanities and Social Sciences Learning Area, this gives Maree the perfect platform to go beyond the curriculum, exploring areas of global imperatives for our young people, such as ethical and humanitarian issues, critical thinking and cultural competence. Maree continues to enjoy sharing her experience, knowledge and expertise with others in workshops, conferences and in online forums.

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Event Segment

Date / Time

21 Jan 2021 Starts: 08:30 Finishes: 15:30

Delivery Format : In Person

State Library Northbridge

Location Specifics Geographe Room

PL Hours : 6.00

Learning Area

  • Humanities + Social Sciences
  • ICT Skills + Integration
  • STEM

School Area

  • Primary (P-6)
  • Middle Primary (3-6)

Event Contact