Developing a Whole School Approach to Problem Solving and Worded Problems - Repeat

PL # 11874

  • Starting from 7 Aug 2018 till 8 Aug 2018
  • Cancellation permitted until 03 Aug 2018
  • Event registrations closed on 06 Aug 2018

Delivery Format :

Event registration is Closed


Developing a Whole School Approach to Problem Solving especially solving Maths Word Problems

In this two day course participants will be given a range of support documents for developing a coherent approach to problem solving in mathematics. A particular focus will be on the literacies required to cope with solving word problems. Practical advice and 'hands-on' support materials will be provided to get a school going on the path to a coherent approach to problem solving across the school. Some reference will be made to NAPLAN as a source of word problems. Schools are encouraged to send along more than one staff member so plans for implementing a school-wide approach can be formulated.


David Dunstan (AISWA Staff)

Coordinator | Numeracy

David Dunstan <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>

David is the AISWA Numeracy Coordinator and has worked with AISWA for over 13 years.  He taught mathematics to rural students in WA for 28 years.  David regularly presents at state and national conferences, and delivers ‘hands-on’ workshops, which includes, “A Whole School Approach to Teaching Place Value” and “Using Cards and Counters to Link the Proficiencies”. In collaboration with Dr Paul Swan, David has co-authored 27 books, which includes the “Check the Clues” series, “My Word Book: Mathematics” and the 2023 published, “Teaching Place Value” series.

Dr Paul Swan

Dr Paul Swan

Dr Paul Swan has many years of experience having taught at the primary secondary and tertiary level. He has written many books and games and created resources to help support teachers and the teaching of mathematics. His website contains many further support materials, many which are free.

He is the recipient of many awards, the most recent being for the development and publishing of Bond Blocks. Recently he has developed video PL courses and offers live and pre-recorded video PL as well as face to face PL.

Terms & Conditions

Please click here to view our general terms and conditions


Event Segment

Date / Time

7 Aug 2018 Starts: 09:00 Finishes: 15:00

Delivery Format : In Person

AISWA Seminar Room (First Floor)

PL Hours : 6.00

Event Segment

Date / Time

8 Aug 2018 Starts: 09:00 Finishes: 15:00

Delivery Format : In Person

AISWA Seminar Room (First Floor)

PL Hours : 6.00

Learning Area

  • Numeracy

School Area

  • Middle Primary (3-6)
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6

Event Contact

AITSL Standards