Busselton: Intercultural and Task Based Language Learning

PL # 14022

  • Starting on 27 Oct 2023
  • Cancellation permitted until 20 Oct 2023
  • Event registrations closed on 30 Oct 2023

Delivery Format : In Person

Event registration is Closed


A full day workshop suitable for both primary and high school second language teachers and EAL/D teachers to examine a task based approach to second language learning and how tasks can be implemented using an intercultural lens. 

This professional learning session shows how task based language learning and intercultural understanding go hand-in-hand within the second language classroom. The workshop will examine the features of rich tasks and explore how interest based and culminating tasks, coupled with an intercultural approach, help to maximise engagement, build confidence and allow for deep learning. 

Even though Intercultural Understanding is a general capability of the WA curriculum, many language teachers are unsure what this looks like in the classroom. This workshop seeks to establish the rationale and answer the questions of how, while exposing the weaknesses of a traditional approach. Participants will brainstorm ways cultural differences can be incorporated into different lesson themes and will reflect on ways this could be built into their existing programs.

AISWA language teachers who participate in this workshop will be provided with ongoing support and advice from the Languages Consultant to develop and refine their task and assessment strategies.  

Participants will be required to bring their laptop/device.

What previous participants have said:

"I really enjoyed today’s workshop - thank you. It has reaffirmed some of my teaching practice and also inspired me to reflect on ways to evolve my program to continue to engage students within the realm of intercultural language learning."

"The ideas and tools shared are very useful and easy to implement in the classroom and the session was so inspiring that I cannot wait to try them out." 

"I have gained an invaluable understanding on how to create meaningful, engaging and fun tasks."


Clare Slyth (AISWA Staff)

Consultant | Teaching And Learning

Clare Slyth <span>(AISWA Staff)</span>

Clare is one of our Teaching and Learning Consultants for Languages.  She provides support, advice and professional learning to schools on teaching strategies, curriculum, and resources. Prior to this role, Clare taught Mandarin for 6 years in a primary context, with experience in using and training others in the WA Curriculum. Previously, she worked as an EALD teacher in Shanghai, China. Apart from Mandarin, she has learned to speak French, Thai and Romanian. Clare is passionate about sharing effective teaching practices and methodologies with teachers and seeing them succeed in their language teaching.

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Busselton: Intercultural and Task Based Language Learning

Date / Time

27 Oct 2023 Starts: 09:00 Finishes: 15:00

Delivery Format : In Person

Georgiana Molloy Anglican School - Yalyalup


Hawker Approach

Location Specifics BUSSELTON

PL Hours : 6.50

Learning Area

  • Languages

School Area

  • Middle Primary (3-6)
  • Secondary (7-10)

Event Contact

AITSL Standards