AISWA HASS Conference

PL # 11443

  • Starting on 6 Oct 2017
  • Cancellation permitted until 02 Oct 2017
  • Event registrations closed on 03 Oct 2017

Delivery Format :

Event registration is Closed


Header image

The conference theme is Humanities and the Science of being Social with a focus on past, present and future means of communicating, connecting and collaborating. All sessions will assist teachers in their implementation of the WA Curriculum, pedagogical approaches, HASS inquiry skills, Information Technology, interdisciplinary methods of teaching HASS, interesting topics, issues and arguments. See  for more details.
Keynote speaker:
Mr Matthew Esterman will commence the conference with an interesting session, ‘Staying human whilst being social’.

Staying Human whilst being Social 

How often do you check your social media accounts? It may surprise you to know that millennials check their phones over 157 times per day. Many questions arise from this and, as educators, we need to ask what the potential and pitfalls of the almost total access to mobile technology means for who our students are, how we teach them and what we teach. Teaching in the humanities is fertile ground for using mobile technology and social media to explore new and exciting opportunities to learn together. But how can we possible keep up with the pace of change when there seems to be an app for everything? How might this affect our professional learning experience for better or worse? Are face-to-face conferences a thing of the past thanks to social media and other technologies, or an opportunity to deepen our experience like never before? Are we losing something human by giving so much of our social lives to technology?

Matt will provide some food for thought, gather some collective intelligence from the room and challenge us all to think more deeply about how, when and where we choose to use social media in our professional lives. This keynote and follow up workshop on learning spaces may raise more questions than answers but it will certainly be a catalyst for conversation.


Matt Esterman

Matt Esterman

Matt has been involved in education for over 15 years including as a teacher for the last decade focusing on History, English and technology integration. He holds his teaching degree and a Master of Arts degree from Macquarie University and a Master of Learning Science & Technology from the University of Sydney. He has experience teaching all sector of Australian education and has engaged with educators, networks and experts on every continent.

Matthew Esterman is an innovative educator, recently appointed as Teaching and Learning Integrator at Trinity Grammar School in Sydney. Matt has worked in a range of schools teaching History, English and Geography, and holding various roles including eLearning Coordinator at St Scholastica's College in Glebe. He has been a consultant and professional learning leader. Matt has won multiple awards from ACE, ACEL, AITSL, NGS Super and ICTENSW. He is one of two educators in Australia to be selected as an Intel Education Visionary and has spoken and run workshops at local, state, national and international events. Matt is the co-founder of TeachMeets in Australia and is a highly active member of his professional networks, including via social media. He is @mesterman on Twitter.

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Event Segment

Date / Time

6 Oct 2017 Starts: 08:30 Finishes: 16:00

Delivery Format : In Person

Perth College

PL Hours : 7.00

Learning Area

  • Humanities + Social Sciences

School Area

  • Middle Primary (3-6)
  • Secondary (7-10)

Event Contact