Motivating Powerful Student Learning and Engagement with Dr Jared Cooney Horvath (Sessions 2 and 3)

PL # 14225

  • Starting from 13 Jun 2024 till 15 Aug 2024
  • Cancellation permitted until 03 Jun 2024
  • Event registrations closed on 11 Jun 2024

Delivery Format : Webinar

Event registration is Closed


Welcome back to those who attended Session 1 - of Motivating Powerful Student Learning and Engagement Masterclass.

Sessions 2 and 3 will continue the journey into the science of motivation and engagement and how teachers can address persistent and common learning dilemmas. 

“Why don’t some students engage with certain topics or feel connected to their peers or the school at large?

Why don’t students perform well on exams after performing brilliantly on homework and other assignments?”

Cracking the code of student motivation and engagement in learning is an ongoing journey for educators across so many facets of the school experience.

By combining neuroscientific, psychological, and the latest educational research in how we learn, world leading experts, Peps McCrae and Dr Jared Cooney Horvath come together to provide a masterclass series in understanding the science of motivation, how engagement works and how teachers can address even the most persistent and common learning dilemmas in practical and actionable ways that promote student self-efficacy.

Participants will explore learning in the following areas and will also be provided the opportunity to co design areas of interest:


  • The mechanics behind motivation and the Motivation for Learning Framework
  • Key drivers for motivation
  • The power of effective feedback and metacognition in learning
  • The role of emotions, relationships and belonging in schools
  • Overcoming the digital challenge
  • Explore successful learning processes that work

This is a series. By registering you are committing to attending the following sessions:

Session 2: 13/06/2024, 11:30am-3.30pm – via Zoom. 

Session 3: 15/08/2024, 2.30pm-4.30pm – via Zoom.

Audience: Leaders of learning, teaching teams and teachers (Year 3-12)

Delivery mode: Online – Zoom links will be sent closer to each session. 

Terms & Conditions

AISWA Professional Learning - Webinar PL Event 

Detailed Webinar event T&Cs here. Below is an overview only.

Webinar event conditions 

  • Attendance/access: For a paid AISWA-hosted webinar, only registered pre-paid users will be provided with access details. The school of any member attendee can access attendance data.
  • Free public webinar: For a free AISWA-hosted webinar, the link is in the public domain and can be shared. Fully registered members (via the AISWA website) will have PL attendance recorded. 
  • Privacy disclaimer: Webinars may be recorded by AISWA. Attendees have the right to privacy but must take responsibility to notify the event organiser of their intention prior to the start of the event and turn off their camera/microphone. Attendee names will be visible to other attendees. NB: This condition was acknowledged during event registration.
  • Attendee swaps: This is acceptable. The organiser must be notified. There are conditions.
  • IT Acceptable Use Policy: Compliance with this policy for the use of the AISWA Teams platform and AISWA website is required.
  • Payment Conditions: Price includes GST. All transactions are cashless. Registration is confirmed when payment is received.
  • Cancellation: Cancellation is without charge up to the Cancellation Permitted date. Cancellations via this website. Late cancellations or failure to attend will incur full cost. Please refer any issues to the Event Organiser. AISWA retains the right to cancel a webinar. Attendees will be notified by email. Payments already received will be refunded. 

Please click here to view our general terms and conditions


Motivating Student Learning and Engagement

Date / Time

13 Jun 2024 Starts: 11:30 Finishes: 15:30

Delivery Format : Webinar

Webinar - Online Only

PL Hours : 4.00

Motivating Student Learning and Engagement

Date / Time

15 Aug 2024 Starts: 14:30 Finishes: 16:30

Delivery Format : Webinar

Webinar - Online Only

PL Hours : 2.00

Learning Area

  • Leadership

School Area

  • Leadership

Event Contact