Accessibility & Inclusive Curriculum Design Using Microsoft Tools in the Classroom

PL # 11894

  • Starting on 29 Aug 2018
  • Cancellation permitted until 27 Aug 2018
  • Event registrations closed on 28 Aug 2018

Delivery Format :

Event registration is Closed


Educators today are integrating technology into the classroom in new ways and are looking for more ways to use technology as a tool to help students of all learning styles and abilities. It is our professional responsibility to help ensure students of all abilities have opportunities to learn 21st century skills. Accessibility and personalisation features in Microsoft products ensure that all students have the opportunity to enhance learning using personal technology.

In this workshop we will explore accessibility and assistive technologies available in Windows 10 and Office 365 for students with different needs:

  • Vision impairments
  • Learning impairments
  • Mobility and dexterity impairments
  • Hearing impairments, deafness and language impairments

Course objectives:

  • Learn how Windows 10 and Office 365 can personalise learning for all students
  • Explore ways to improve focus using Windows 10 and Office 365
  • See how the Learning Tools add-in for OneNote can improve reading comprehension
  • Learn how students are able to demonstrate their understanding using inputs other than keyboarding and text


Steven Payne

Steven Payne

A former teacher, Steven now works with Microsoft ANZ, supporting staff at schools and universities in WA to make the most out of Microsoft 365 technologies. His work with schools includes training and consultancy on: Microsoft 365, coding, physical computing, mixed reality, and artificial intelligence (AI) - all the things that help bring digital technologies into the classroom to enhance learning and improve efficiency across all curriculum areas.

Terms & Conditions

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Event Segment

Date / Time

29 Aug 2018 Starts: 13:00 Finishes: 16:00

Delivery Format : In Person

AISWA Seminar Room (First Floor)

PL Hours : 3.00

Learning Area

  • ICT Skills + Integration
  • Inclusive Education
  • Technologies

School Area

  • Middle Primary (3-6)
  • Secondary (7-10)
  • Senior Secondary (11 - 12)
  • Education Assistants

Event Contact

AITSL Standards