Curriculum and Pedagogy Articles

The Curriculum and Pedagogy Newsletter is sent every month. To subscribe/unsubscribe to the newsletter, please login and update your subscription preferences under the "Update my Details" tab in the member dashboard.

Previous newsletters can be viewed below:

AISWA Curriculum and Pedagogy Newsletter - June 2024

AISWA Curriculum and Pedagogy Newsletter - May 2024

AISWA Curriculum and Pedagogy Newsletter - April 2024

AISWA Curriculum and Pedagogy Newsletter - March 2024

AISWA Curriculum and Pedagogy Newsletter - February 2024


Early Childhood

This study tour is planned for the September school holidays, with school visits on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th September.  Our study tour will focus on guided visits to four Independent Schools in South Australia, renowned for their innovative approaches to early childhood education. The tour emphasises ideas connected to the EYLF v2.0, including Continuity of Learning and Transitions, responsive practices in the early years and children’s agency. It offers opportunities to explore observe learning spaces designed to ignite creativity, imagination, and agency. Sponsorship is limited to 10 participants and includes 2 nights’ accommodation in Adelaide, some meals, and transport for school visits.  

Successful applicants for both study tour experiences will pay for their own flights and any additional expenses. Further details are included on the Expression of Interest forms. Expressions of Interest must be made by completing the attached form. Link to form - Applications extended until June 19th.

Selection to attend the study tour will be based on the principles of equity, diversity and effective use of AISWA Early Childhood funding. This will include selecting participants from a range of school types, and educators and leaders from a range of experience.


Photo credit - Ngutu College


Thank you to everyone who has completed the AEDC data collection. The final date to complete the AEDC is June 30th. Pre-primary teacher involvement in the process is vital. The AEDC provides evidence to support policy, planning and action for health, education and community support. The AEDC can assist governments to develop flexible approaches to policy and planning that address the evolving needs of children and families in the future.


National Quality Standards

All independent schools are required to undertake the following layers of quality assurance in relation to the National Quality Standards as outlined in the Guide to the Registration Standards and other Requirement for Non-Government Schools. Templates and resources available on the website.

  • Reflect and Review, Quality Improvement Plan – Term 1 and 2
  • Annual Principal Audit – Term 3
  • Report to the Governing Body – Term 4

Education Assistant Professional Learning

Last week AISWA hosted 38 Education Assistants from across 14 AISWA schools for our first Education Assistant PL Day. Attendees heard from AISWA consultants on a range of different topics including: 

  • Courageous conversations
  • Employee relations
  • Supporting students with additional needs
  • Supporting students to develop self-regulation skills 
  • Engaging children in oral language
  • Using card games to develop mathematical fluency

Attendees were provided with practical strategies and techniques that can be applied in the classroom, fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment for all students. The feedback from the day was wonderful and we will incorporate suggestions into future sessions. This PL will be repeated in August, places are filling fast. 

maths PL

Upcoming Early Childhood Events

Nathan Wallis, Neuroscience Educator -  July 16th at All Saints' College 

Nathan Wallis, New Zealand's renowned neuroscience educator, will share his expertise on brain development and the importance of the first 1000 days of a child’s life. Nathan’s presentations are always engaging, informative and contain the right amount of humour. Our AM session is aimed at Leaders and our PM session is aimed at Educators. These presentations are a partnership between IPSHA and AISWA EC and are subsidised to support your attendance. 

Nathan Wallis

Justin Coulson South West Evening Presentation - July 18th 6.00-8.00pm 

Dr Justin Coulson is the co-host and parenting expert on Channel Nine’s “Parental Guidance” and the founder of 'Happy Families'. Margaret River Independent School in partnership with AISWA EC is hosting an evening session for families. 

Justin Coulson

I am a Writer! Introduction to Bookmaking Approach with 3-8 year olds (with Lisa Burman) - July 26th 8.30-3.30

We are thrilled for educators to have this opportunity to learn from Lisa Burman as they consider ways to support children to build strong identities and skills as writers and communicators. The Bookmaking Approach values and honours children’s prior learning, their cultural competence, and their dispositions for learning, and uses these to drive learning deeper. The rich pedagogy of Bookmaking engages children in language and literacy, motivates them to become deeply involved in their learning, and also excites educators when they see children learning to their potential. 

Literacy Bites - July 30th (Webinar)

Are you familiar with the Literacy Hub? Are you interested in finding out more about the Year One Phonics Check?  Join online for our next Literacy Bites. The Literacy Hub, funded by the Australian Government, Department of Education, supports school leaders, teachers and families to engage in effective, evidence-based literacy practices. It also hosts the Year 1 Phonics Check, a free online 7-minute assessment of students' decoding skills.

The Power to Transform - Using tools and loose parts theory to develop independence and resilience by Educated by Nature and AISWA EC - August 16th 8.30-3.30

We are excited to offer you an opportunity to work with Educated by Nature to develop your confidence in using tools and open-ended materials in everyday experiences with children. 

Mathematical Learning in the revised Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and EYLF v2.0 (PK and K educators) - October 17th 8.30-3.30

Presented by Rebecca Duncan, AISWA Early Childhood consultant, this professional learning workshop for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten educators will unpack both the EYLF v2.0 and revised Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, as we explore a variety of engaging contexts and practical experiences that intentionally grow children’s mathematical learning and thinking. 

Leading with the National Quality Standard - October 21st 9.00-3.30

This workshop, designed for Early Childhood leaders and educators in schools who have responsibility for the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP), will explore the connections between the National Quality Standard (NQS), the EYLF v2.0, and your school’s strategic planning. Participants will be provided with a copy of the cross-sectoral publication, 'The National Quality Standard in Action – Western Australian Schools', which is scheduled for publication in 2024. Together, we will explore how the case studies and support materials contained within this resource can support critical reflection on practice and enhance the development of your school’s QIP. Opportunities for networking and sharing will be a feature of this workshop, as we explore possibilities for the EYLF v2.0’s practice of ‘Collaborative Leadership and Teamwork’ to inform QIP processes. 

Previous Newsletters

Early Childhood April Newsletter

Early Childhood May Newsletter




Social media Languages news updates

The AISWA Languages X feed provides constantly updated news for Languages teachers. It can be found here, along with Languages information links and a link to the AISWA Languages blog.


Other news

Over 40 language educators from all sectors gathered at AISWA in May to hear from seasoned Auslan educator Dr Karen Bontempo and Patti Levitzke-Gray presenting on principles of differentiation and inclusive education. Marisa Schiavi (CEWA) and Clare Slyth (AISWA) followed up with sessions on using AI to create IEPs and differentiated language resources. With experienced interpreters available the content was accessible to both hearing and deaf educators and it was a wonderful day of networking and shared learning.

languages PL images

Leadership and Learning


Your Leadership Consultant is...

Meika Pfeiffer-Gough (Manager)

Term 2 Highlights

National Teacher Certification Ceremony

We recently held our National Teacher Certification ceremony at AISWA, to celebrate the achievements of our Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (HALT). The certification process aligns with Australian Institute for Teaching & School Leadership (AITSL) standards and aims to keep expert teachers in the classroom so they can model and lead best practices within their school communities in order to continually improve student outcomes.

Congratulations to all involved and a special thank you to our special guests, Lynette Fahie from Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School and Sally Kelly from AITSL, for joining us at this inaugural event. You can find out more about our 2024 HALT information sessions here.

Featured Professional Learning

Women in Educational Leadership

Our network fosters a supportive environment for women educators to exchange insights, cultivate leadership skills, and break barriers in the leadership landscape. Through collaborative efforts and shared experiences, we aim to inspire, amplify diverse voices, and advance gender equity.  Whether you’re a teacher, administrator or researcher, join us as we make meaningful connections and celebrate the achievements of women to pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future for all. Click here for more information and registration.

Media Training

Due to overwhelmingly positive feedback from past participants, AISWA and Tina Altieri have partnered again this year to deliver our exclusive media training program. More information can be found here.



Your Consultants are...

Upcoming Literacy events offered by AISWA

The following Literacy events are planned. Details and registration are available on the AISWA website.

Literacy Bites - Story Books

Literacy Bites are a series of workshops focused on Literacy and hosted by experts in the field. Workshops are stand alone, you can attend all or one of the workshop series.

Literature ATAR and English ATAR Network Day

Network days provide opportunities for teachers to meet and engage in Professional Learning throughout the academic year.  The Network Days are designed to meet the specific needs of teachers engaged in the various English courses.  A range of presenters and activities are sourced for these events to address the demands of each of the courses.
The focus of this meeting will be the ATAR course, both Literature and English.



Your Consultants are...

Timeline of the Review of the Western Australian Curriculum: Mathematics  

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) is in the process of adopting and adapting the Australian Curriculum v9 within the P – 10 Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (the Outline).  The Authority plans to have the revised Western Australian Mathematics curriculum for Pre-primary to Year 10 available for familiarisation in 2025, and implementation in 2026.

The Authority has published the following timeline:-

2024      Review and Consultation 
2025      Familiarisation and Professional Development 
2026      Implementation 


Upcoming Numeracy Professional Learning at AISWA

Combined Secondary AISWA/CEWA Maths Network Day (27 May)

An Agenda for the meeting can be found here.

Developing a Whole School Approach to Problem Solving in Mathematics - Year 2 to Year 8 (21 June)

This workshop uses Polya's four - step process as the foundation for adopting a whole school approach to problem solving in mathematics. A range of problem-solving tasks, with an emphasis for years 4 to 6, will be work-shopped, and these tasks will incorporate the fluency and reasoning proficiencies that will assist in developing the students' mathematical understandings. 

Targeted Programs


Your Consultants are...

Recent News and Upcoming Events

The 2024 AISWA VET Funding Applications are now open!

  • The application is based on what your school spends on its 2024 VET program. 
  • The grant AISWA distributes will only cover a portion of your VET student fees. 
  • The applications close at the end of term 2, so don’t miss out!
  • For more information, please contact Wade McLeod.

Term 2 VET Coordinators Network Meeting

  • The ‘VET Coordinators Network Meeting’ for term 2 will be held at Bendat Basketball Centre on June 14th.
  • This meeting also includes our annual ‘Training Providers Expo’ in the afternoon session.
  • Registrations are open now- register here.

AISWA provides ongoing support to VET Coordinators, Careers Educators & Workplace Learning Supervisors. Our consultant - Wade McLeod - is keen to get out to your school to meet any new staff that have commenced a new role in 2024, or anyone that needs further support and mentoring in this space. As well as ongoing support to your staff, AISWA continues to provide some funding grants for:

  • VET Student costs – applications open term 2, and
  • Year 9 Career Taster Program – Expressions of Interest welcome any time

Please contact Wade for more information on how to apply for funding, as well as to arrange a time for a school visit. 

AISWA holds VET & Careers Network meetings each term, where we invite presenters from Industry, Training Providers, SCSA, Department of Training and Workforce Development and many more. We aim to provide schools with as many industry and training links as possible, in order to provide your students with a multitude of pathways. 

Upcoming meeting dates for 2024

  • Term 2 – Friday June 14th
  • Term 3 – Friday September 13th
  • Term 4 - Friday November 29th