Curriculum and Pedagogy Articles


Early Childhood


Early Childhood News

A big friendly wave to all working in Early Childhood from the AISWA EC Team. We know from your calls, emails and request that school is back in full swing.  I hope that it is a swing that is moving backwards and forth freely, and not stuck in the side of challenges and problems. The other side of the swing arc is often full of classrooms full of joyous children, communities of reassured parents, and teachers overflowing with creativity and connection. 

Please remember that our Early Childhood team are here to help. This might be ongoing support for an early career teacher, support with planning documents, a chat about early childhood pedagogy, or ideas for supporting behaviour. 

New Team Member

A big welcome to Debbie Bolton to the AISWA Early Childhood Team. Many of you will know Debbie well through her leadership of the Junior School at Carmel or her participation in many of the AISWA EC projects and publications. Deb will manage some of our targeted projects and is available to support schools in National Quality Standards, Early Childhood pedagogy and leadership.  Debbie is also available to mentor early career teachers and early childhood leaders.

Small Scale Grants

Applications for small scale grants were processed and approved late 2024. Payments were made to all schools in mid-December. This means that your project is fully funded and ready to be implemented. If you require a copy of your project application, please contact Janelle. If you require confirmation of payment please chat first to your business manager. 

On Entry

The On-Entry Assessment Period has officially begun, and we're here to lend a helping hand every step of the way! Our dedicated Early Childhood team is ready and eager to support all our member schools throughout this process.

On-entry Assessment Period

Portal opens week 3 (17th February 2025)

Assessments should be completed between weeks 3-6 (unless you are waiting for the census data to upload, then it will be weeks 4-6)

Portal closes week 8 (21st March 2025)

On Entry Assessment Training is available on the AISWA Online Learning platform from Tuesday 16th January 2025. Please register here

Deb Bolton will be the senior consultant for On-entry Assessment in 2025, with Janelle Dickinson supporting you with any administration needs and technical difficulties. Please find their contact details below:

Deb Bolton –

Janelle Dickinson – or 9441 1664

QA 5 - Relationships with Children

‘The start of a new year, and the opportunity to welcome new children and families into an early childhood education and care (ECEC) service provides a unique chance for educators to focus on relational pedagogy.’

Click here a short article reminding us of the importance of developing relationships at the start of the year Relational Pedagogy Resource.

AISWA Publications

The online bookstore has a range of publications that showcase the inspiring work of teachers in AISWA schools.

Professional Learning:

Maker Space

We have spaced across the year a number of afterschool STEM Maker Space events. Our first for the year, April 2nd will be held at AISWA with support from Remida and focuses on loose parts and Recycled Construction. This will be a fun, creative afternoon leaving you inspired with ideas for implementation. 

T.A.L.K Workshop

Enhancing Oral Language and Pre-Literacy Skills - Kindy-Pre Kindy. Strong Oral Language is essential for children to become successful readers and writers. This PL is led by our very talented and experienced AISWA EC Consultant Lynne McCarney. Lynne’s workshops are always brimming with ideas and activities and useful resources.  

Wendy Gorman - Manager - Support with policy, regulations and early childhood, PRA funding.

Lynne McCarney - Consultant - Support for play groups, Early Literacy, Behaviour guidance.

Melissa Kennedy - Consultant - Support for remote schools, Early Childhood targeted projects.

Debbie Bolton - Consultant - Support for NQS, Pedagogy and Leadership.

Janelle Dickinson - EC Support Officer - On entry assessment, Early Childhood administration. 

Photo credit: Ngutu College, SA

Previous Newsletters


Early Childhood April Newsletter

Early Childhood May Newsletter

Early Childhood June Newsletter

Early Childhood July Newsletter

Early Childhood August Newsletter

Early Childhood September Newsletter

Early Childhood October Newsletter

Early Childhood November Newsletter


Early Childhood January Newsletter




Social media Languages news updates

The AISWA Languages X feed provides constantly updated news for Languages teachers. It can be found here, along with Languages information links and a link to the AISWA Languages blog.


Other news

Over 40 language educators from all sectors gathered at AISWA in May to hear from seasoned Auslan educator Dr Karen Bontempo and Patti Levitzke-Gray presenting on principles of differentiation and inclusive education. Marisa Schiavi (CEWA) and Clare Slyth (AISWA) followed up with sessions on using AI to create IEPs and differentiated language resources. With experienced interpreters available the content was accessible to both hearing and deaf educators and it was a wonderful day of networking and shared learning.

languages PL images

Leadership and Learning


Your Leadership Consultant is...

Meika Pfeiffer-Gough (Manager)

Featured Professional Learning

National Certification Project 2024
Join like-minded colleagues and support one another to evidence your practice and achieve National Certification as a Highly Accomplished or Lead teacher. These sessions are a compulsory component of applying for Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher (HALT) status. 

Click here for more information.

Women in Educational Leadership

Our network fosters a supportive environment for women educators to exchange insights, cultivate leadership skills, and break barriers in the leadership landscape. Through collaborative efforts and shared experiences, we aim to inspire, amplify diverse voices, and advance gender equity.  Whether you’re a teacher, administrator or researcher, join us as we make meaningful connections and celebrate the achievements of women to pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future for all. 

Click here for more information. Contact for registration.

New Principals Network 2024
This Network is for AISWA Principals and Executive Team staff who are in the early stages of their role and/or those who come with experience, but are new to Western Australia. It is intended that you will be able to serve as a resource for one another and share questions and discoveries.

Click here for more information. Contact for registration.



Your Consultants are...


Look out for the following Literacy PL events in Terms 3 and 4 and register through the AISWA website.

23 October - Sharp Reading: Guided Reading for Comprehension- provides participants with: an explicit, transferable routine for comprehension instruction, that empowers students.

24 October - Sharp Reading: Developing Decoding Fluency - provides a routine that allows the reader to practise the transference of the knowledge of letters, letter sounds, and spelling patterns when reading authentic text. 

1 November - Secondary English Planning Day  - held in conjunction with CEWA. A chance for HoLA’s and teachers to collaborate in the construction of Course and Assessment Outlines for 2025.

11 December - Implementation of the Western Australian Curriculum: English - The School Curriculum and Standards Authority will present a workshop designed to provide teachers and curriculum leaders with important information and guidance regarding the 2025 implementation of the Western Australian Curriculum: English.



Your Consultant is...

Planning for 2025? Free In-School Workshop for 2024

A Whole School Approach for Teaching Place Value

This suite of materials was co-developed by AISWA Numeracy Coordinator, David Dunstan, and Dr Paul Swan, and published in February 2023.

The ‘Teaching Place Value’ materials includes a Facilitator’s Guide, ‘Teaching Place Value’ year books, video instruction for activities, year by year ‘Menu Planners’, resources, and assessments. 

75 Minute In – School Workshop Introduction

David has conducted this workshop, which targets Years 1 to 6, across metropolitan and regional WA. Each school receives a Teaching Place Value Materials Kit, that includes counters, dice, transparent spinners, and a USB that houses the 14 videos.

Contact David Dunstan at or on 0457 767 881 to make a booking.

New Online Resources - ‘reSolve’ for Mathematics and ‘Primary Connections’ for Science  
AISWA was visited by staff from the Australian Academy of Science Education Early this term to showcase the new maths ‘reSolve’ and ‘Primary Connections’ science websites that were launched in June 2024. These are free resources. Go to to explore brand new all-online teaching sequences for the Australian Curriculum, plus embedded support for understanding key ideas and pedagogical practices. 

Timeline of the Review of the Western Australian Curriculum: Mathematics  

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) is in the process of adopting and adapting the Australian Curriculum v9 within the P – 10 Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (the Outline).  The Authority plans to have the revised Western Australian Mathematics curriculum for Pre-primary to Year 10 available for familiarisation in 2025, and implementation in 2026.

The Authority has published the following timeline:-

2024      Review and Consultation 
2025      Familiarisation and Professional Development 
2026      Implementation 


Targeted Programs


Your Consultants are...

AISWA provides ongoing support to VET Coordinators, Careers Educators & Workplace Learning Supervisors. Our consultant - Wade McLeod - is keen to get out to your school to meet any new staff that have commenced a new role in 2024, or anyone that needs further support and mentoring in this space. As well as ongoing support to your staff, AISWA continues to provide some funding grants for:

  • VET Student costs – applications open term 2, and
  • Year 9 Career Taster Program – Expressions of Interest welcome any time

Please contact Wade for more information on how to apply for funding, as well as to arrange a time for a school visit. 

AISWA holds VET & Careers Network meetings each term, where we invite presenters from Industry, Training Providers, SCSA, Department of Training and Workforce Development and many more. We aim to provide schools with as many industry and training links as possible, in order to provide your students with a multitude of pathways. 

Upcoming meeting dates for 2024

  • Term 4 - Friday, 29 November

    A strong focus on schools sharing illustrations of practice in areas of careers advice & Workplace Learning. We will be allocating time to network and plan for 2025.

    Presentations on the day include:
    - New Individual Pathway Planning resources from the Department of Education
    - Financial Administrative & Professional Services Training Council
    - Aviation Careers 
    - Schools sharing Illustrations of Practice
    - Important update from SM TAFE on 2026 changes to delivery arrangements
    - New Training.Gov Training Register
    - Planning for 2025