Accreditation Programs

Educators are responsible for maintaining professional learning records for teacher registration compliance. See TRBWA website.

Evidence of PL attendance and/or completion of courses can be gathered in various ways, such as keeping copies of PL event and course registration details. AISWA also offers the services (below) as more formalised options.

Credly Badging Program

AISWA offers digital badges for certain PL courses, particularly AISWA Online Learning courses. We use the Credly platform to manage the badges accredited by AISWA, according to tiers of time and expertise required. See the specific information below. 

AISWA will email AISWA Online Learning (AOL) course participants the Digital Badge opt-in form at the end of each Semester. 

For questions or further information about AISWA Badging, please contact

Current participants in the program can access their digital badges here.


What is a digital badge?

Digital badges are portable web-enabled credentials that can be verified in real-time and shared across platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and in an email signature block. Digital badges are awarded for selected Professional Learning events.

What are the benefits of a badge?

Badges are a way of recognising, measuring and verifying learning. They provide evidence of the knowledge, skills and attributes the learner has demonstrated. Badges support a growing worldwide interest in continuing lifelong professional education and are being adopted by many industries and professions.

How is a badge earned?

To earn a badge, certain requirements must be met. This may involve satisfactorily completing activities, assessments and/or projects which demonstrate evidence of learning.

How do the earning criteria for badges differ?

AISWA provides different levels of badges across various categories of learning experiences. The table below shows the requirements for each level.

Earners Learning Criteria


Badged courses        

Click the button to view our current badged courses.

Credly page                 

Click the button to visit our Credly page.

click here button 

click here button

Badging process

Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers Certification - HALT

AISWA is the certifying authority responsible for the National Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (HALT) process for teachers of Member schools, in Western Australia. AISWA provides trained assessors external to the school/setting of the applicant to assess the certification application following the common national process, delivering a high quality program that identifies and certifies teachers in alignment with the advanced career stages of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) and the AITSL Classroom Practice Continuum.

HALT Certification is a voluntary process. The National Certification program recognises exemplary teachers and their capacity to promote quality teaching and reflective teacher practice. It provides a reliable indication of quality teaching that identifies Highly Accomplished Lead Teachers.

For more information about this program, Members should visit the Member Portal here or check the PL Event Calendar for advertised certification courses available in the following year.

The 2024 HALT National Certification PL event can be found here.


The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) are the measure of assessment used in National Certification.

Student-improvement focused

Certification recognises those teachers who are highly effective in improving student outcomes. Evidence of student outcomes is central to the certification process. Student outcomes are broadly defined and include student learning, engagement in learning and wellbeing.

Development driven

Certification is part of a wider career development approach that includes professional learning, performance assessment and development. Participation in the certification process should be a positive experience for participants and provide useful feedback that further enhances development and learning.


National Certification is credible because assessments of teacher performance are based on rigorous, valid, reliable, fair and transparent measures and processes. The evaluation of teacher practice is based on consistent application and moderation of these processes by trained assessors, and multiple methods and sources of evidence. Consistency of judgements is maintained across the diverse contexts where teachers work, so that context does not disadvantage any applicant.


Certification is built on nationally and internationally recognised best practice and contributes to the development of evidence about what works in building and recognising teacher quality. The operation of the certification process are regularly evaluated and the results used to further improve the process for applicants.


AISWA leadership PL session

Image: AISWA Leadership PL session