Accreditation Programs: Micro-credentials + HALT

Records of PL Achievement

Educators are responsible for maintaining professional learning records for teacher registration compliance. See TRBWA website.

Evidence of PL attendance and/or completion of courses can be gathered in various ways, such as keeping copies of PL event and course registration details. 

AISWA now also offers more formalised accreditation services - Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) Accreditation and Credly Badged Courses. Please see below for details.

Credly Badging Program (Micro-credentialing options)

AISWA offers digital badges for certain PL courses, particularly AISWA Online Learning courses. We use the Credly platform to manage the badges accredited by AISWA, according to tiers of time and expertise required. See the specific information below. 

AISWA will email AISWA Online Learning (AOL) course participants the Digital Badge opt-in form at the end of each Semester. 

For questions or further information about AISWA Badging, please contact

Current participants in the program can access their digital badges here.


What is a digital badge?

Digital badges are portable web-enabled credentials that can be verified in real-time and shared across platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and in an email signature block. Digital badges are awarded for selected Professional Learning events.

What are the benefits of a badge?

Badges are a way of recognising, measuring and verifying learning. They provide evidence of the knowledge, skills and attributes the learner has demonstrated. Badges support a growing worldwide interest in continuing lifelong professional education and are being adopted by many industries and professions.

How is a badge earned?

To earn a badge, certain requirements must be met. This may involve satisfactorily completing activities, assessments and/or projects which demonstrate evidence of learning.

How do the earning criteria for badges differ?

AISWA provides different levels of badges across various categories of learning experiences. The table below shows the requirements for each level.

Earners Learning Criteria


Badged courses        

Click the button to view our current badged courses.

Credly page                 

Click the button to visit our Credly page.

click here button 

click here button

Badging process

*Note: AISWA will email participants the 'Digital Badge Opt-In Form' at the end of each semester. 


Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher Certification - HALT


What is HALT National Certification?

Certification is a voluntary process that enables teachers to receive recognition for their highly skilled and exemplary teaching practice. Certification is based on the AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST). These standards provide a framework which clearly defines the knowledge, practice and professional engagement required of teachers by making explicit the elements of high-quality, effective teaching that will improve educational outcomes for students.

Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers has three purposes:

  • recognise and promote quality teaching
  • provide an opportunity for teachers to reflect on their practice
  • provide a reliable indication of quality teaching.

AISWA is the certifying authority responsible for the National Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (HALT) process for teachers of member schools, in Western Australia.

What are the benefits?

Certification is a highly valuable professional development opportunity, enabling teachers to reflect on and improve their practice in order to improve student outcomes. Other benefits include:

  • Feedback on evidence of practice
  • Enhanced performance culture
  • Shared discourse on effective practice
  • Access to networks and communities of practice
  • Enhanced collaboration with and support from colleagues within and across schools
  • National recognition for effective teaching
  • Increased profile of the profession.


Aspiring teachers must:

  • Be an Australian citizen or have a permanent residency visa
  • Have full registration with the teachers Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA)
  • Demonstrate all standards within the context of a teaching role
  • Have been assessed as satisfactory in their two most recent annual performance assessments (Three for Lead teacher).


Process – who is involved?


There are four parties involved in the process:

  • The school principal  - must approve and support the applicant’s involvement in the process.

  • The applicant - must plan, implement and assess a teaching program in the school.

  • Three referees - required as part of the certification process. Referees may include colleagues and peers, the principal and or delegate. Those nominated by the applicant are required to provide verification and evaluative statements against specific focus areas of the Standards and must have direct knowledge of the applicant’s practice.

  • AISWA trained assessors - external to the school/setting, to assess the certification application following the common national process, focusing on areas of the Standards about which they have direct knowledge of the applicant’s practice


Process – what is involved?


There are three stages in an application for certification:

  • Pre-assessment Stage: applicants determine their eligibility and readiness for certification and conduct a mandatory professional discussion with their principal/supervisor. An online self-assessment tool is available on the AITSL website for teachers to assess their readiness to apply.
  • Professional Practice Stage: the focus of this stage is observation. Applicants submit a written statement to contextualise their practice as well as observations undertaken by referees. This is followed by direct assessment of the teacher’s practice onsite by an external assessor to verify up to 15 focus area descriptors. The visit includes observation, discussion with principal/supervisor, discussion with other colleagues as required, and professional discussion with the applicant.
  • Portfolio Stage: submission of evidence against the remaining Standards, which includes annotated evidence of the teacher’s practice. This stage also includes a professional discussion with the independent assessor.


All of these stages are supported through AISWA-led, face to face professional learning sessions.


Highly Accomplished or Lead?


Applicants determine their eligibility and readiness for certification at either the Highly Accomplished or Lead teacher level. 

  • Highly Accomplished teachers are highly skilled teachers who strive to continually improve their practice and usually have taken on roles that support or guide other teachers. Highly Accomplished teachers are active members of the school community and actively sort out professional discussions to engage in effective teaching practices to improve student outcomes.
  • Lead teachers are exemplary practitioners and well respected by colleagues and the wider community. Not only do they support other teachers but take on a lead role often initiating and leading a whole school activity.   They evaluate and monitor the impact on student outcomes and adapt practices accordingly. Lead teachers motivate colleagues to improve their practice. Lead teachers need to be able to demonstrate that they have initiated and lead a whole school activity that is linked to a school or system goals and has improved teacher and/or students outcomes over a six month period or longer. This is known as the Lead Initiative.


What does certification cost?


A $200 deposit is payable once you commit to the certification process. Two $800 instalments are then due, one at at the Professional Practice Stage, and the final one at the Portfolio stage.


What about renewal of certification?


National Certification is granted for a five-year period, after which certified teachers must renew their Certification. Information regarding renewal can be found in AISWA’s guide.


For further questions, or to register your interest please contact:


Meika Pfeiffer-Gough, Manager School Leadership and Teacher Quality

Karen LeRaye, Education Consultant



AISWA leadership PL session

Image: AISWA Leadership PL session