Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools - Public Submissions Now Open!

The public submission process for the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools (the Review) is now open and will close at 5 pm (AEDST) on 2 November 2017.

The Review panel, led by Mr David Gonski AC, will examine the evidence base and provide advice on the most effective and efficient use of funding to improve school performance and student achievement and prepare the young people of Australia for a lifetime of opportunity in a rapidly changing world. The submission process is the primary form of consultation for the Review.

The Review Panel is interested in gathering a wide range of evidence to inform the final report and recommendations, and views on the reforms that are needed to drive improved student outcomes are welcome in this regard. The final report is due to be provided to Government by March 2018.

An issues paper has been prepared and contains questions to stimulate ideas about how educational outcomes can be improved for all students, including disadvantaged and vulnerable students and academically advanced students.  To view the issues paper, lodge a submission, and for more information on the Review, please visit the website at:
