Bushfires Recovery - Information for Schools

Bushfires Recovery - Information for Schools

We are all aware of the extensive and devastating bushfires that continue to burn across Australia.  As schools prepare for the return of staff, students and their families it is important to be aware of the potential impact these fires may have had for members of our school communities.

There are likely to be staff, students and families who will have:

  • Been in the areas affected by bushfire, some may have had to shelter in place, been evacuated or seen the fires close up.
  • Relatives and friends who have died, been injured or have lost property.
  • Previously been in a bushfire which may evoke distressing feelings and thoughts from the past.
  • Ongoing fears of future bushfire risk in their neighbourhood or area.
  • Parent, relatives and friends who may have gone to fight fires in the eastern states.

The frequency and extent of the media coverage mean that even if not directly impacted, almost everybody will have been aware of the bushfires and their damaging impact on people, the environment and animals. It is important to acknowledge this secondary exposure may also cause distress and fears for safety.

Below are some resources that may be helpful at this time:

Be You
Australian Psychological Society

Helping children who have been affected by bushfires

Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience
Mental Health First Aid Australia

Please contact the AISWA School Psychology Service if you need further assistance - asps@ais.wa.edu.au

mental health